Orbus Exhibit & Display Group® Marks Earth Day Milestone: 10 Years of Sustainable Recycling, Diverting 10 Million Pounds from Landfills

Orbus Exhibit & Display Group® Marks Earth Day Milestone: 10 Years of Sustainable Recycling, Diverting 10 Million Pounds from Landfills缩略图

Orbus Exhibit & Display Group®, a leading North American producer and manufacturer of visual communication solutions for tradeshows and events, retail environments, and corporate interiors, is proud to commemorate Earth Day and Earth Month by highlighting its impactful recycling and environmental protection initiatives. The company is delighted to announce that it has consistently recycled an impressive average of 75 percent of total waste annually over the past decade.

In the last ten years, Orbus has successfully diverted over 10 million pounds of waste from landfills. This significant milestone underscores Orbus’ unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and ongoing efforts to minimize its ecological footprint.

As part of its comprehensive sustainability initiatives, Orbus has implemented a robust recycling program. This program efficiently categorizes recycled waste into various segments such as cardboard, paper, aluminum, fabric, steel, and more. Since 2010, Orbus has proudly held ISO 14001:2015 certification, a testament to its environmentally responsible management system that minimizes the impact on the environment throughout the design, manufacturing, and storage processes of tradeshow displays and accessories.

Jim Concannon, Operations Manager & ISO Representative for Orbus, expressed enthusiasm about the achievement, stating, “We are thrilled to celebrate Earth Day by reaching this significant milestone. Recognizing the importance of caring for our planet, we take pride in implementing sustainable practices in our business operations.”