A Digital Art Exhibit Travels Across the Country

A Digital Art Exhibit Travels Across the Country缩略图

Contemporary art gallery Gagosian relocated the digital art piece “Denominator” from one of its New York City galleries to Beverly Hills, California. This exhibit is a large LED video cube showcasing the work of a renowned Swiss artist. It is part of a series intended to demonstrate the captivating impact of broadcast advertising on human consciousness.

Urs Fischer, a visual artist who delves into perception and representation in his work, stated, “This overall human experiment—whether it be public relations, marketing, or advertising—ultimately replaces the images we hold within ourselves.”

The Denominator LED cube displays a dynamic composition on each of its faces, presenting advertising footage extracted from television and social media dating from 1950 to the present. These ads are deconstructed by an AI algorithm, sorted by theme or color, and arranged in layered patterns and choreographed sequences.

The art piece consists of five LED screens constructed with SNA Displays’ BOLD™ Interior product series. It employs a 2.5 mm pixel spacing and is attached to a custom-designed steel frame that stands above the exhibit floor to create a “floating” effect. The precise installation of this frame was crucial due to the artist’s specific request.

Each face of the cube, including the top cap, measures 11 feet 10 inches square. In total, the digital art piece comprises approximately 10.4 million pixels.

Jason Helton, executive vice president at SNA Displays, explained, “Denominator presented an intriguing design challenge with the artist’s desire for the cube to hover one inch above the exhibit floor. This unique aspect made precise dimensions essential.”

Helton further added, “After receiving a warm reception in New York, we are thrilled for residents of the Los Angeles area to experience Denominator in person. LED-based digital art installations like this one are among my favorites, as they showcase the power, beauty, and versatility of the digital canvas.”

Installation services for the artwork were provided by Digital Dreams.

The exhibit is located at 433 North Camden Drive, opposite the Gagosian gallery in Beverly Hills, and has been extended until November 4th.